Shivanasamudra falls:
Shivanasamudra falls located in Mandya district about 139km from Bangalore, is the location of one of the first Hydro-electric Power stations in Asia, which was set up in the year 1902.
Full view of Bharachukki falls as seen from the view point |
River Kaveri splits into two parts to form two waterfalls, Bharachukki and Gaganachukki at a distance of few km to each other. It has an average width of 305 meters, a height of 98 m, and an average volume of 934 cubic meters / sec. The maximum recorded volume is 18,887 cubic meters / sec. It is a perennial waterfall. The time of best flow is the monsoon season of July to October.
Waterflow of River Kaveri enroute to Shivanasamudra falls |
The western branch forms the twin waterfalls Gaganachukki, the eastern branch flows as Bharachukki. Gaganachukki being more violent in waterflow and is at a much higher altitude compared to the Bharachukki, resulting in being banned for going near the water, and there is a Hydro-electric Power station located here, the falls can be viewed from the Shivanasamudra watch tower. There is another approach to the Gaganachukki falls from the Darga Hazrath. Despite warnings being posted, people climb down the rocks and attempt to view the waterfalls from behind/top, resulting in many fatal accidents.
Shivanasamudra falls has been named as 16th largest waterfalls in the world and largest in India in terms of volume, Jog Falls being 36th in world and 2nd in India.
There are coracle rides (theppa) offered in Bharachukki falls which takes you till the tip of the falls, which looks very dangerous but adventurous. Here depending upon the water levels you are allowed to play in the water, on the right side of the falls where the water flow is lesser compared to the other parts of the falls. If you’re lucky you can even go and sit behind the waterfalls, we were lucky enough to sit behind the falls, which was the most exciting part of the whole trip. One have to climb down about 300 steps to go to the bottom of the falls to get a better view of the falls, there are viewpoints available right from the parking lot.
(From left) Bharachukki falls part 1 |
Bharachukki falls part 2 |
Bharachukki falls part 3 |
Bharachukki falls part 4 |
Bharachukki falls part 5 |
Distant view of Bharachukki falls |
Coracle rides |
Bharachukki falls, coracle going till the tip of the falls |
Bharachukki falls |
Bharachukki falls |
The twin falls of Gaganachukki |
The left section of Gaganachukki falls |
The right section of Gaganachukki falls |
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